Subbie Retreat Hype...Gone Wrong

The place? Hessel Park. The time? Approximately 10:45am on August 23, 2021. The story? Well, that's going to take a bit longer to explain...

The Subbie Retreat is an annual event that us Subbie Buddies plan for new 8th graders--also known as Subbies--at the start of the school year. During this day-long event where all of us get to skip school, we do a bunch of different activities. A staple each year is Capture the Flag, and in particular, the Subbies vs. Subbie Buddies part of this, which is exactly what we're all getting hyped about in this photo. Although all of us love the Subbies dearly, we can't help but show our competitive side when it comes to letting them know what the Subbie Buddies are made of. The first step in displaying our prowess is a cheer. Do you think the Subbies got as pumped as us before our game of Capture the Flag? I can tell you right now they definitely didn't. Just take a look at Jonathan on the right side of the picture. The curve of his cheeks says it all. You don't even need to see his face to know that he's smiling wider than the Cheshire Cat. Subbie Buddies are better than Subbies, end of story. 

If only that was the end of the story though...

Unfortunately, while the picture shows us all filled to the brim with energy, that narrative didn't last long for me. A mere 10 seconds after this photo was shot, I collapsed to the ground with my body overflowing with exhaustion and my vocal chords strained to their limit. Quite the contrast from my scary face and clenched fist, I know. But the hype was too much for my body to handle. 

Once the actual game began, I was magically blessed with newfound adrenaline that I used to sprint to the Subbies' flag, weaving in and out between 20+ of them flawlessly. You'd think that this is the point where I say I snatched the flag and heroically brought it back to our side right? I wish... 

Once I reached the flag, my energy instantly evaporated from my body, leaving me to crash to the ground once more and lie in wait for the imminent tag from a Subbie. As I lugged myself over to the Subbies' jail at the speed of a slug, I saw several of my comrades make a dash for the flag as well, but all were in vain. Then, while I was lying down to catch my breath in the Subbies' jail, the Subbies won... (You didn't actually think you would get an elaborate and climactic description of the Subbies beating us did you? It wasn't even a close game so that's all you get.)

But it's okay because we can always just say that we let the Subbies win. And that is in fact what we did since we're just such great Subbie what I wish I could say. 


  1. We DEFINITELY let the subbies win on purpose. I really like the detail you provide in how you felt in that moment & you definitely brought that picture you showcase in the blog post to life. You tell a great short story which entertains the audience. Good work!

  2. I'm so proud of you putting the subbies before you and letting them have a victory. It's so unlike you to just get absolutely destroyed by small children but I'm happy you aren't too broken up about it. Some things are just meant to happen, I just wish you went into detail of your crushing defeat.

  3. This was a very entertaining story that held my attention from start to finish even if it didn't have a heroic ending that we all wanted to see. I am happy that the subbies got one victory though because you guys definitely didn't let them win tug of war right?

  4. I love the character and personality that you build into your writing by using certain sentences and framing your narrative this way. The story's plot, filled with ups and downs, was very entertaining, and any audience - even one that wasn't at the Retreat that day - would be able to comprehend the energy and excitement that you associate with both the memory and the event itself. We appreciated your hype, don't worry.

  5. This is really well written. The attention to detail and dramatization of a capture-the-flag game against 8th graders is admirable. I liked how you conveyed the feeling of being in the game as well as the actual events. I hope the subbies enjoyed their victory, I'm sure they'll remember it fondly.

  6. This was really fun to read and I like how you wrote about the personal highs and the lows you experienced. I like how you explained what the retreat was to a person who might not know. Great completely unbiased post! If we actually tried we would have 100% won, the subbies would have no chance.

  7. Your story telling structure in this was great Andrew, and it made it really fun to read! I also think it's a great think being so generous to put the Subbies above yourself and letting them beat you guys. It was a great addition to the amazing warm welcome I'm sure you guys gave them!


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