
Now You See Me (Again and Again)

I just recently watched the movie Now You See Me for the third time and I thought about how nice it would be to see it for the first time. Without any prior knowledge, I could fully experience all the twists and turns throughout the movie again.  Now You See Me is a film that follows four magicians that come together to form a group act called the Four Horsemen after receiving mysterious instructions from an anonymous source. The group performs in showsh where they carry out stunts like robbing a bank from 5000 miles away and distributing the stolen money to the audience in a philanthropic fashion, which quickly draws the attention of the police. Throughout the rest of the movie, the Four Horsemen drag the police through a cat-and-mouse chase where they always stay several steps ahead of the police by using classic magic techniques like misdirection to deceive them.  When I first watched the film many years ago I was mainly just fascinated by all the illusions. I didn't care at all

Missing the Japan Trip

If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to Japan.  Japan always interested me when I was younger due to their revolutionary technological advancement and all of the cool inventions I heard about. However, taking Japanese class at Uni made my desire to travel to Japan increase exponentially. Coming in to Uni, I actually put Japanese as my second choice of foreign language behind Spanish since I perviously learned Spanish in middle school. Although I was a bit bummed when I found out that I didn't get in to Spanish because too many people signed up, Japanese quickly became my favorite class of all time. Through that class, Sensei not only taught us the ins and outs of the language, but she also put a large emphasis on understanding and appreciating Japanese culture.  Learning about culture was always the most interesting part of class to me because there were so many unique traditions. Of course visiting a shrine or temple is a must-do when visiting Japan, but in particul

Time as the Enemy

The watch I wear is an accessory that I feel represents me. To put it bluntly, I generally think of myself as a boring person. I don't really have any super interesting or unique characteristics and I also am not a huge proponent of taking risks or doing things on a whim. I like to plan things out methodically before taking any action. Similarly, my watch is minimal and basic. The watch face consists of 12 printed numerals, three sword-style hands--the most commonly found hand set on watches--and a day/date feature--the most common watch complication--all in a simple black and white color scheme. It's not flamboyant or extravagant in design or color. It just gets the job done, and that's all I need it to do.  Watches in a more general sense also represent me. My boringness and methodical planning lead to a relatively consistent daily routine, much like the reliable pattern of a watch's second hand ticking each second. Additionally, I'm a very time-oriented person. F

Falling From a Golden Spiraled Staircase

I have a fear of heights. I'm not usually able to recollect any of my dreams, but to this very day, I still remember a frequent nightmare I had when I was 5-years-old. It wasn't particularly gruesome or tragic, but for some reason, that nightmare lived in my head for countless years like a parasite. It all started with me sitting atop a beautiful golden spiraled staircase. Being the curious kindergartener I was at the time, I was bound to lean over the railing and peer to the depths of what lay at the bottom of the staircase. However, when I caught a glimpse of the darkness beneath the never-ending staircase, the next thing I knew, the railing disappeared and I was free-falling towards the bottomless pit with my heart in my throat. Then, before I could feel the impact of the ground, I shot awake, drenched with cold sweat.  I remember this exact series of events happening at least 2 more times.  I always told myself I was scared of heights because my heart always started racing

Subbie Retreat Hype...Gone Wrong

The place? Hessel Park. The time? Approximately 10:45am on August 23, 2021. The story? Well, that's going to take a bit longer to explain... The Subbie Retreat is an annual event that us Subbie Buddies plan for new 8th graders--also known as Subbies--at the start of the school year. During this day-long event where all of us get to skip school, we do a bunch of different activities. A staple each year is Capture the Flag, and in particular, the Subbies vs. Subbie Buddies part of this, which is exactly what we're all getting hyped about in this photo. Although all of us love the Subbies dearly, we can't help but show our competitive side when it comes to letting them know what the Subbie Buddies are made of. The first step in displaying our prowess is a cheer. Do you think the Subbies got as pumped as us before our game of Capture the Flag? I can tell you right now they definitely didn't. Just take a look at Jonathan on the right side of the picture. The curve of his che