
Showing posts from November, 2021

Missing the Japan Trip

If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to Japan.  Japan always interested me when I was younger due to their revolutionary technological advancement and all of the cool inventions I heard about. However, taking Japanese class at Uni made my desire to travel to Japan increase exponentially. Coming in to Uni, I actually put Japanese as my second choice of foreign language behind Spanish since I perviously learned Spanish in middle school. Although I was a bit bummed when I found out that I didn't get in to Spanish because too many people signed up, Japanese quickly became my favorite class of all time. Through that class, Sensei not only taught us the ins and outs of the language, but she also put a large emphasis on understanding and appreciating Japanese culture.  Learning about culture was always the most interesting part of class to me because there were so many unique traditions. Of course visiting a shrine or temple is a must-do when visiting Japan, but in particul